Malordio's Brew

Potent Brew of Anti-Madness

Before you go up the Mountain.... Take this   Yes, I know, it looks like the remain's of a Pixie's wild night on the town- But you're going to need it if you want to go up the Mountain of Madness.   Well... if you want to come back sane, anyway.
  Malordio's Brew is a more recent addition to the explorer's cookbook, but one vital to traversing the Mountain of Madness that stands at the far edge of the Cincini Isles. Discovered by the wandering Anthropologist Yevin, the mushrooms that make up this brew can, ironically, be only gathered on the very mountain they are meant to protect travelers from. The tea induces feelings of boredom in the imbiber, and also dispells the hallucinations that otherwise plague explorers on the Mountain.  


  Malordio's Brew is primarily made from Anti-Shroom, which grow on the Mountain of Madness. Anti-Shrooms are gathered by willing explorers or mad-men just sane enough to need an extra bit of cash. These mushrooms are dried and crushed into a powder, before being infused into a hot pot of water. Common additives such as milk have been found to not only soil the already-bad taste even further, but dilute the properties of the tea. Honey, by some mercy, does not reduce the properties of the brew and is used as a sweetener.  


  Malordio's brew is reserved for the initial stretch of the journey-the foothills of the Mountain of Madness are still safe for regular travelers. Once one crests the foothills, and the landscape becomes desolate and barren, and the shadows begin to coalesce in the corner of one's eye-that is the time to drink Malordio's Brew. It takes a short while for the beverage to take effect, but even the most reckless traveler does not wish to spend more time with the shadows than he has to.   The tea does last for a few hours, so only a single dose is needed to cross the shortest pass through the Mountain. Those who for whatever reason wish to linger longer, however, are encouraged to pack extra dried Anti-Shroom.


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